Bye Boston

Charles Square Farmers’ Market

I have no review for you today. Instead, this will be a farewell post. Many of you know this, but in a few short weeks, I am moving to New York. I have called Boston home for three and a half years and leaving is bittersweet, to say the least. People have asked if I will continue to blog after I move and the answer is a resounding yes.


I created this blog one day a little over two years ago as a platform for doing something I love: sharing my favorite places to go and things to eat. I did not foresee it becoming an avenue by which I would become involved in the Boston food community (In fact, were it not for the blog, I might never have started managing farmers’ markets). 

Area Four

And what a food city this is. Compare it all you want to some of the bigger cities, but Boston certainly holds its own. I’m thrilled to have been here when I was. I’ve loved exploring the many new places that continue to pop up and it’s been exciting to be present for new things like the Kendall Square dining explosion and the very first winter farmers’ market.


The area is vibrant and constantly growing, but still small enough that there’s a sense of community. In my years here I have met many remarkable chefs, writers, farmers, bakers and entrepreneurs who are working hard to leave their mark on the Boston food scene and change it for the better.


With all that’s happened in just these past few years, I can only imagine what’s yet to come. Luckily, I have an array of bloggers, writers and news outlets that I can count on to keep me posted on new developments.

As is clearly evident from this blog, farms and small food businesses are one of my passions. I love spreading the word about and introducing people to worthwhile places, especially those somewhere off the beaten path. I have all of the places I’ve been to indexed in the Boston tab above and I’ve even marked the places I highly recommend. So if you’re ever in need of a suggestion, go ahead and take a gander. (The farms and further away places are listed under Travel).

3 Little Figs

Writing this blog, and everything that goes along with it, has been a delight. And so thank you. Thank you to anyone who has ever read or commented (online or in real life). To the chefs and business owners who allowed me to come in and take lots of photos and ask lots of questions. To the farmers and producers who work tirelessly to feed us.

Craigie on Main

To the entrepreneurs, thinkers and activists working to make our food system better and more just. To the writers, critics, publicists and fellow bloggers for inspiring me, entertaining me and helping me constantly add to my very long list of places to try.

Cider Hill Farm

Thank you for all you do. Keep it up, and I’ll see you when I visit.    

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38 Responses to Bye Boston

  1. Joanne says:

    Is it selfish of me that I’m so happy you’re moving to NYC!?!?! If you ever want an eating companion/hang out companion, I’m your girl!!

  2. Megan says:

    Noooooooo! Don’t go! I will miss checking out restaurants with you, having someone to eat all of my baking creations, and just having a friend to hang with. While I’m sad to see you go, I’m excited for all that’s ahead of you and I wish you all the best! (And I will come visit at some point!) xoxo

  3. Daisy says:

    Don’t leave!

    what a beautiful post, with gorgeous food photos to match. Excited to see you tonight and wish you farewell!

  4. Sarah says:

    Elizabeth, thank you for enriching all of our lives with this beautiful blog. Thank you for sharing your passion for food, for dessert, and for this community. You have inspired us to become more engaged in the local food scene, to venture to new restaurants, to have that one extra cookie! Thank you for your commitment to Somerville through the Winter Farmer’s Market. Is New York ready for you? You will take it by storm! All the best to you and come back often!

  5. I’m SO glad I had the chance to meet you through blogging! You will definitely be here in Boston. Best of luck in New York!!

  6. You will be missed, darling… but I know that we’ll see each other again and that you’re going to do wonderful things in NY.

  7. Meghan says:

    This made me cry! I’m so glad that we met and got to spend time together in SF and Boston. You will definitely be missed, but I am wishing you all the best in New York. I look forward to reading about your adventures!

  8. vplant says:

    Wish I had discovered your blog sooner but I have a lot to catch up on which will keep me busy! Looking forward to reading about your adventures in NYC. Bon voyage and bon chance!

  9. Megan says:

    Oh no! So sad to see you go! I loved seeing you around at food blogger events!! I love reading your blog about places to go and eat in the Boston area, and so I look forward to seeing what you discover in NY. Good luck!! Keep in touch! 🙂

  10. Amanda Hurley says:

    I’m so happy to have had the opportunity to get to know you these past few months. I wish you the best of luck in NYC! I’ll miss seeing you on Thursdays in Kendall Square!!!

  11. Jess Nu says:

    wow i didn’t know you’re moving to new york!!! that’s so exciting for you, but i can see why leaving boston is gonna be tough – we need to chat soon!!

  12. Josie says:

    i love this! sooo glad to have met you through the foodie/social networking events scene. and you could not have captured Boston’s foodie scene better, or more thoughtfully. quite honestly, i cant believe how many restaurants i didn’t even get to check out before leaving Boston, which is why we’ll have to meet up ASAP when you get to NYC so you can be my food tour guide! 🙂

  13. funandfearlessinbeantown says:

    Aw, what a sweet post. I remember when we first met and you were thinking about starting a blog. Doesn’t that seem like ages ago? I’m so glad that we met through blogging and hope we stay in touch. And my apologies again for missing the farewell party tonight! xoxo

  14. You will be missed! Such a great post. I am so excited I got to meet you and hopefully see you in the future. Have so much fun in NYC and enjoy this next step 🙂

  15. Boston will miss you greatly! Looking forward to celebrating with you tonight though, and I know you’ll do incredible things in NYC!

  16. Will Morel says:

    Well Done, Elizabeth!

  17. Ranjani says:

    Hey Elizabeth, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you a little bit this last year. Best of luck with your new adventures in New York! I’m looking forward to your restaurant recommendations for when I visit NYC

  18. This is making me tear up. I will miss you!! But I’m not saying goodbye, as I’m sure we will see each other again and keep in touch 🙂 I am so happy we met and became friends. And I am sorry I can’t make it tonight! You will have a blast doing your MBA, good luck with everything! xoxo

  19. DKN says:

    I’m looking forward to nyc version, of course in your “spare time” … so sad, but so happy for your new chapter in life 🙂

  20. Linda says:

    So eloquently written. I cried when I read it. I will miss all the Boston food and farm news from your eight years in Boston-Somerville-Waltham (with time out in Italy). You have expanded my knowledge as well as my awareness of all things food — as well as expanded my waistline!

  21. shannon says:

    What a lovely post! No good byes, though, b/c nyc isn’t that far away 🙂 Good luck with the move and your next set of adventures!

  22. Karen says:

    best of luck to you! we’ll miss you in Boston but come visit! 🙂

  23. Sacha says:

    Good luck, Elizabeth. I have truly enjoyed reading your posts since I found your blog not so long ago, and I always keep an eye to it when planning a new outing. It’s clear how enthusiastic you are. From reading, I know that we have similar tastes. Just in this post, you linked to some of my favorite Boston dishes (mozz at Area Four, the skate at Rendezvous, the soup at Craigie, the ice cream at Tosci’s, the sandwiches at 3 Little Figs, and EVERYTHING at Oleana!). It would have been nice to have met in “real life,” but I look forward to reading about your future finds!

  24. Betsy says:

    Best Wishes, good luck in NYC!!!

  25. Penny says:

    You will be greatly missed but also tapped for input when we come to NY. That city is so fortunate to gain a great person like you. We hope all the dreams and goals that go with this move are realized.

  26. Molly says:

    It must be a bittersweet passing: Leaving behind our little New England to return to the hustle and bustle of your hometown. Best of luck to you in your studies and future food adventures.

  27. Wow, time really flies! I remember meeting you for the first at Foodbuzz Festival in SF . . .gosh, was that over 2 years ago? It has been wonderful knowing you here in Boston and I know you’ll go great things in New York! Can’t wait to see what you do there. And it’s true, New York is not that far away! 🙂

    P.S. Hope you enjoyed the ice cream. 🙂

  28. Sues says:

    Good luck on the move!! Like Tiny Urban, I remember meeting you that first night at Foodbuzz Fest, too! And couldn’t believe we lived in the same city! Definitely looking forward to hearing about your food adventures in NYC 🙂

  29. Surfin The F says:

    Wow, I totally teared up reading this! You really have created something special darling.I love that you follow your passions relentlessly. I’m looking forward to you dragging me all over lower manhattan to eateries again after a 10 year hiatus. New York, your girls have come home!

    • Elizabeth says:

      Ten years!!!! Aaah. I was just thinking about you this morning and how excited I am to be in the city with you again. Miss you and I can’t wait!!

  30. Tracey says:

    I wish you so much luck with your move!

  31. Taryn says:

    While I’m sure you’re moving onto bigger and better things, I’ll be sad to see you go. I hope whatever lies ahead is wonderful, full of opportunity and of course tons of delicious food. Best of luck!

  32. Marta says:

    good luck in New York!

  33. mpcollins93 says:

    Best of luck with the move, etc.! Boston will miss you.

  34. Eat to His Glory says:

    ah man it broke my heart to leave Boston 😦 I left my heart there

  35. Chloe Love says:

    muy sensual extrovetida extensive chat with her, y con ganas de complacerte

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